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information, access, news - 익혀 두면 100년이 편한 관사구문

익혀 두면 100년이 편한 관사 구문 아래에 소개하는 30개의 예문은 반드시 예문 전체를 익히도록 한다. 시중에 범람하는 문법책에서 수십, 수백 번은 등장했을 법한 표현들은 예문은 이제 지양하고 우리 실생활 속에서 녹아 있는 살아 있는 예문들을 익히도록 하자. 주의할 점은 반드시 예문 전체를 외우라는 것.

1) We will share information on the case.

2) I don't have access to the computer.

3) I did not feel pain, but I felt pressure.

4) He has served our country with honor and courage.

5) They didn't give any further information.

6) We must focus on innovation and technology.

7) Electricity was restored yesterday in some areas.

8) The organization helped the government dispense food, water and other necessities.

9) I know from personal experience.

10) The developer in under pressure.

11) l'd like to go back to work, and I want to go back to normal.

12) They wanted the settlers to search for gold.

13)  Do you ever want to make hardware?

14) The aliens trade weaponry for food and engage in all manner of vice.

15) The judges got a warning this week about money, politics and the law.

16) Both of them suffered from diabetes.

17) The acquisition is partly about technology.

18) In law, culture, science, athletics, industry and other fields, knowledge of the roles played by blacks is critical.

19) That’s just good news. 이 부분도 조심하자. 우리가 생각할 때는 ‘한편의 뉴스’로 해석이 되지만 news는 불가산명사에 속한다.
20) We want diplomacy and peace. 

21) Huge equipment moved millions of tons of rock and sand.

22) Don't forget health care. 지금 미국에서는 오바마의 의료개혁 논란이 한창이다. 그런데 이상하리만큼 heath care앞에는 관사가 붙지 않는다. 시사용어로 하나 익혀두자.

23) I treat people with dignity and respect.

24) The explorer found gold and power in the New World.

25) I would try to win money on it.

26) He's had great contributions in civil rights.

27) Wind, solar, cellulose-based biofuels are the way we need to go.

28) The president is interested in nuclear power.

29) We'll invest in priorities like energy and education.

30) Rid yourself of addictions whether they are food, alcohol drugs or behaviour habits.

31) It's a tale of despair, and regret, redemption and love. 타임. 2004. 11. 13

32) Southerners believed he would support a constitutional ban on slavery. 마찬가지 시사용어. 노예제를 의미할 때는 그냥 slavery라고 한다.

33) They increased transportation equipment up to 250.

34) The best improvements are in performance and fuel efficiency.

35) This is a breaking news update. Check back soon for further information.

잠깐!!!) 아래는 2009년 한국과 미국의 중요 사이트에 Ddos 공격이 한창일 때  ‘미국의 소리(voice of america)에 접속했을 때 해당 사이트에 썰렁하게 떠 있던 접속장애 공지이다. 이와 같이 한번 실생활 속에서 permission을 접하고 나면 그만큼 기억에 오래 남는다. permission 은 관사가 붙지 않는다. 물론 늘 이와 같은 불가산명사를 다룰 때는 정관사는 예외이다.

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